I couldn't stand Martha as she continued talking excitedly in her hushed voice.

'' He attends Kings college school. He is the best student in basketball and tennis. OH...a six footer by the way.'' She paused to lick her lips and smiled sheepishly.

Martha was adorable, always dressed better than the rest of our peers. No wonder someone found her attractive, i thought.

'' His name is Deji but i call him DJ...so handsome! We actually met in my friend's birthday party and he told me i was the most beautiful creature he had seen''.

''Wow", Nneka put in. " You are so lucky to have a boyfriend at fifteen''

I was mad with rage at Nneka but tried to smile.

How could she envy Martha, despite all the teachings in Sunday school?

To me, Martha was a disgrace and someone needed to tell her the truth.

'' What about your parents,'' i asked. "Do they know you now have a boyfriend?''

'' God forbid!'' Martha exclaimed almost with panic.

'' I pray they never find out. Mum especially would kill me. Have you forgotten that my father is a preacher?''

'' So how and where do you guys meet?'',Nneka asked excitedly.

'' OOh... every night at 10, under that cashew tree behind his school building'' she replied.


It's normal to develop feelings towards the opposite sex especially as youths and teens.

Early puberty causes the teenager to  become more self conscious and aware of his or her appearance. She/he constantly wonders what the opposite sex would think or feel.

At such, getting close to someone physically and emotionally has it's risks and advantages. Kids who start dating early are more inclined to risk taking.

                                                 Pic source; www.steadyhealth.com

  • Often times early relationship can affect your academic performance. Despite barely seeing and mostly texting, teen relationships can gradually cause one to loose focus. Time spent on studying will be diverted to calling, fantasising and chatting. A recent study conducted in the University of Georgia revealed that youths who are in a relationship performed more poorly than those who were not.
  • Dating Violence: Being young and immature, kids tend to display both unhealthy and healthy patterns in a relationship. Recently in Nigeria, a young lad took a shot at his girlfriend and her lover out of spite and jealousy. She died on the spot, while the lover escaped through the back window.
  • Early sex; soon enough, kids start to think of trying out kissing, romance and eventually sex. Sex during adolescence can have it's effects on the body and mind. This is because the nervous system is not fully developed. Early sex could cause mood swings, depression especially in males.It also leads to unwanted pregnancies, early abortion and increased risk of infections.


  • Stay in Platonic relationships; You don't need a boy friend or girl friend yet.
  • Make friends that motivate
  • Let your parents meet your friends
  • SEX CAN WAIT. Be self driven; You are too young to be romantically involved with anyone.
  • Don't have too many secrets.; Find yourself a confidant that is inspiring and reliable.
  • Occupy your mind with academics, community work and God.


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